Skateboard fiction: Defining a genre

At last I’ve found my niche, and now, it appears, I’m creating a new genre. My niche is skateboarding. My genre is skate fiction. I’d like to say I’m in great company here but it appears I’m completely out on my own. I have read Blake...

catching up where I left off

hooray another post! For someone that claims to be a writer, you’d be forgiven for thinking that I’m actually any good at it, judging by the lack of updates on this blog. But that’s not true, I’m simply writing lots elsewhere – namely my...

Idea, tools and observations

I’m enjoying reading a good book: How not to Write a Novel I’m enjoying it because, slowly, I’m learning that the most common mistakes in newbie writers work, isn’t the sort of errors that I make. Admitedly, I’m only on Chapter 1(ish) but...

Novel 3: day -1

My brain is still in overload on how to write. I’m still fascinated with the art behind the process, and I’m no closer to understanding why. Today in Costa I hit upon a thought (which I’m rather proud of): To write, is to create a plot which is never...

filling up with ideas

Its been a while again. But that’s ok, things take a while don’t they?  I have been reading loads, from magazines like New Scientist and National Geographic, to newspapers like the Times and Independent, reading good stories like No Country For Old Men and...