Dec 1, 2019 | editing, Writing
Your story has multiple protagonists and you’re in trouble. You can’t figure out how to juggle these characters to make the story work. What do you do? Luckily, you don’t have as big a problem as you think. *phew* Read on… To decide who is your protagonist, you...
Aug 2, 2014 | during, Writing
Get secret(ly) inspired for your character/scenes and settings by utilising You can either download the app or just read the ‘secrets’ straight off their website. It won’ t be long before you are buzzing with another scene idea and have to...
Jun 26, 2014 | before, Writing
Interesting reading! I know a few people (myself included) who think they are planning, when actually they are worrying. The end result is they are fearful of starting because they see nothing but hurdles. Procrastination is the word for it. This infographic gives a...
Apr 27, 2014 | Blog, during, Writing
I am an app-hunting monster when it comes to finding tools for writers. I have this stupid notion in my head that the perfect app will make writing easier – and it does, if only I got down to writing more than procrastinating! Anyway, at least I’ve wasted...
Mar 13, 2014 | before, Writing
Bukowski nails it in this great cartoon created by zen pencils. Creativity doesn’t need pushing – it pushes you. Not being pushed? Don’t fight it. Either get inspired or get out of the way. ^Mark
Mar 31, 2012 | Blog, Writing
I’m on a phone! No seriously I am–therefore this will be a short update. Firstly, movellas looks good. I’ll be checking that place out for a while. I’ve even put a chapter up to test it out. A much bigger community than jottify so I/we will...