Jun 8, 2008 | Blog, Writing
I appear to be taping in to a good part of me thats been lying dormant for a decade or so. I used to write at work when I had time (which was frequently) .. mostly lyrics for a mythical band I once dreamed of being part of. Those words are still with me, kept in a...
May 2, 2008 | Blog, Writing
want a highly visual way of visualising your plot on a timeline, whilst linking to research and attaching inspirational pictures? take a look at http://www.xtimeline.com I have a feeling this could become a writers dream app.
Apr 9, 2008 | Blog, Writing
Before writing, I blogged. Like crazy. All the time in fact. I have many many blogs and profiles set up both here on wordpress and else where. But since I started writing, my bloggage has nearly ceased. My own personal blog for example, has been a real struggle to...
Mar 31, 2008 | Blog, Writing
Recently I’ve been reading: Teach Yourself Creative Writing & Teach Yourself: Writing a Novel & Stephen King: On Writing & Eats Shoots and Leaves I’ve also been sneaking pages to read from: How I write: The Secret Lives of Authors &...
Mar 6, 2008 | Blog, Writing
TV for people that write – worth watching. Bookmark titlepage.tv it looks great, so grab yourself a coffee, each episode is an hour long 🙂 [Update: sadly the site isn’t being updated anymore, which sucks, but the 6 episodes are still online to...