Jan 31, 2016 | during, Escapeboard, skate
Ok, I’ve just finished my first revision of my story, and the ‘revision’ consisted of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and any obvious story inconsistencies. Does that equal line-edits? I haven’t changed any of the story, so maybe not. So with...
Apr 13, 2009 | Blog, Writing
hooray another post! For someone that claims to be a writer, you’d be forgiven for thinking that I’m actually any good at it, judging by the lack of updates on this blog. But that’s not true, I’m simply writing lots elsewhere – namely my...
Jan 31, 2009 | Blog, Writing
My brain is still in overload on how to write. I’m still fascinated with the art behind the process, and I’m no closer to understanding why. Today in Costa I hit upon a thought (which I’m rather proud of): To write, is to create a plot which is never...
Jan 13, 2009 | Blog, Writing
Its been a while again. But that’s ok, things take a while don’t they? I have been reading loads, from magazines like New Scientist and National Geographic, to newspapers like the Times and Independent, reading good stories like No Country For Old Men and...
Jun 8, 2008 | Blog, Writing
I appear to be taping in to a good part of me thats been lying dormant for a decade or so. I used to write at work when I had time (which was frequently) .. mostly lyrics for a mythical band I once dreamed of being part of. Those words are still with me, kept in a...