Nanowrimo progress for 2016
Nanowrimo progress: 250k words written

This is going well. Well = cranking out the words, and losing control of my planned story in favour of a brand new plot. Check out my stats so far. I was really surprised to see that I’ve reached the 250k total words recently. This pushes my nano catalogue up to 5 stories, however, none of them are published, or even finished. But I’m not letting that stop me! I’m just pleased to be cranking out the words again after what feel like a low spell.

Another 18k words to go for 2016!




Watch Fiction Being Written Below!

(Yes, being an author is as exciting as it appears in the movies!)

Alliance of Independent Authors

1. Write with…

Scrivener is the best writing tool on the planet.

2. Edit with…

Reedsy has assembled the best editors to perfect your story.

3. Format with…

Vellum turns your manuscript into a beautiful Print or eBook file ready to distribute.

4. Cover design with…

Go On Write creates excellent book covers for Print or eBook at great prices.

5. Distribute with…

Amazon KDP allows you to easily reach the biggest book buying market.

15 yrs of time travel!