Livestream Fiction Writing on Youtube

Livestream Fiction Writing on Youtube

I have a special announcement to make!  After listening to someones podcast about a writer live streaming their writing on Twitch, I have joined the club! Albeit, not on Twitch, and not live.  I’ll explain: I’m on Youtube here and I upload the video after...
Using #Nanowrimo for fiction craft good

Using #Nanowrimo for fiction craft good

So I’m nearing the end of my nanowrimo 2015 experience and I’m going to finish this year! However, I’m still well aware of creating a crappy story. The rushed, 1667 words, approach definitely produces ‘suck’ every time. This is down to my...
Nanowrimo 2016: I’m writing again!

Nanowrimo 2016: I’m writing again!

Nanowrimo for the win one more time! Yes, I did very little planning and jumped into another 50k writing session in November in a bid to kick off the dust and FORCE myself to get a writing schedule happening. So far, I’m twenty-two thousand words in, and all is...
My lack of writing progress

My lack of writing progress

So, despite lots and lots of willing, I’m not writing. Actually I am writing, but I’m writing in pieces and not one continuous thing. Here’s a few of my excuses: I don’t have time I’m knackered after work I don’t have the (writing)...

Why is the AlphaSmart Keyboard so good for fiction writers?

I bought an AlphaSmart NEO2, and I love it Yesterday, after hearing so many other writers talk about it, I bought an AlphaSmart NEO2, and I love it. Already it has kicked me out of my writing slump and I’ve typed more words in a single sitting than I have in at...