I have decided today, that nanowrimo is no more. It’s been a great ride, the last 4 years, however I’ve been able to see it’s warts whilst benefiting from it’s strength. Currently, my warts need removing.
The strength of nano, has given me:
- discipline,
- momentum (albeit for a month),
- pride,
- speedy fingers,
- silencing my inner editor,
- a focus on content,
- optimism for the future as a writer.
The weaknesses of nano are:
- the focus on quantity not quality,
- the absence of commentary on progress,
- lack of structure, planning & editing,
- operating in a silo (I failed to get to the nano meet-ups)
- whittling a good idea
- completion of writing from beginning to end
- feedback
- monetising
- promotion
So, this means that nano is no more. I may return to do another one, but only after I have successfully completed a full novel, published and offered it to friends to read/sell.
One month out of the year isn’t much to sacrifice, but it takes 11months of planning. Right now, I do not need another first draft on my hands. I need a completed novel.
My love of nano will remain, as will my precious hoodie, my donations towards the project and my enthusiasm for any budding novelist to take the same path I did in order to develop a writing routine with great rewards. What now?
Look at the weaknesses above. Every one of those will be my focus.